New Parent Information

New to Besthope? Here's a few things that we require when enrolling with us!


What to bring to school:

  • School bag (no bags on rollers please)

  • Clean change clothes/pants/undies/socks

  • Plastic bags for your dirty clothes

  • Sunhat (must have a sunhat in summer)

  • Jumper (for winter )

  • Lunch box  (healthy food policy)

  • Drink bottle

  • Sunscreen (if your child has sensitive skin)

  • Medication (must sign medication form in the morning and handle to the staff)

  • Portable Inhaler (if need)

  • Allergy information/food 

  • Nappy (if need)

  • Cuddly (if need for sleep)


What not to bring to school:

  • NO Home toys

  • NO Any jewelry (we are not responsible for any jewelry lost)

  • NO Sugar / lollies / donut / nuts / kiwifruit / chocolate / jelly / juice